Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Double Page Spread Analysis'

This is a double page spread from NME magazine. . NME is a magazine aimed at predominantly male 16-30 white audience interested in the 'indie' genre.

The first page  is comprised of one large picture of 'The Chapman Family' (the band included in this article) with the overlapping text of their name [The Chapman Family]  in large bold letters. the picture on this page consists of the whole band in an average house. It is a very quirky, interesting image as one of the bands members is completely out of the picture which intrigues the audience into reading if they don't recognise the bands name to wonder what the picture means. The bands name is in a very large, bold and simple font, suggesting an aura of professionalism, classy outlook and some mystery towards them.

the second page of the double page spread is all of the text for the article. to attract the reader to reading this article, many strong words and phrases are used in the large font that consists of the description of the band. phrases such as 'They hate lazy indie' and 'get shot at by local kids'  are exciting and intriguing words as powerful  as 'shot' and 'hate' which make it sound like an action filled article so it grabs the reader's attention.  Another example of attracting the reader is a pull quote which says: 'ive been shot at for the way i look before. it's no big thing for me' which is an exciting and masculine statement which makes the people in article sound appealing to the readers so they are encouraged to reader on.

[i did not use any of these ideas as i believe they only work for a solely based interview double page spread and mine was reviews so this layout did not suit the style.

on the left third of Kerrang's double page spread it is comprised of mainly text. this covers only one third of the page and the rest is pictures which is similar to the design i have with my article because teenagers and young adults have a lower attention span on walls of text and pictures would not grab their attention for long so the picture to text ratio is 70/30.

the centre and right third is comprised of one main picture and five sub pictures. these are brightly lit background which bright colours attract their younger audience to read the article if they find the pictures appealing.

The layout of this magazine links in very well with its genre. Again on this magazine there is a lot of pictures which shows that the readers of the magazine may be more interested with looking at pictures then reading long articles and lots of complex text. Their is little colour used on the actual background and on the text. The only colour is on the pictures and this makes them stand out. This may mean that they are the main part of the double page spread and may mean that the editor wants these to be the most important part of the page. The language which is used is quite informal and not very complex, this could link in with the target audience which would be teenagers and people who are into rock music.

i would not use this layout as it focuses too much on the little amount of text included which is suited for my audience but it is done to an extreme which makes the article a quick boring read.

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