Wednesday 4 May 2011

Planning: My target audience + how i will appeal to them

Details on my target Audience:
AGE: 16 - 25
GENDER: Predominantly male, some female
SOCIAL CLASS: Lower/ Lower Middle Class
SEXUALITY: Predominantly Straight, but none specificable
OTHER: fans of a specific two genres (Hardcore/Thrash metal) from the UK.

How I Plan To Appeal To My Audience:

FONTS: I plan to use a simple font such as Helvetica Bold that is simple, stands out and is easy to read. This is because then my audience who prefer more pictures to text can see the text much easeir(they would not read my articles or my magazine if it had difficult to read, fancy text).

LAYOUTS: I plan to use a simple, easy to navigate style of layout for my contents page like NME magazine. If my audience could not understand my magazine's layout if it was complex, they wouldnt buy it.

COLOURS: I plan to use Black, White, Dark Red and Grey. This is because of the genre of music which i have researched in my own time and with my own knowledge i know that most of the shirts and album covers are this colour and as both genres are rather heavy and dark stules of music, these colours would appeal to them via their music.

LANGUAGE: I have chose to use simplistic vocabulary and an informal style of writing, including swear words. This is because my audience is of a lower class and is teenagers and young adults, which means they won't fully understand complex words and are used to talking in an informal style, so if was to write similar to how they speak, it would attract and audience as they can understand what i am writing. Also, the working class is more common to swear than upper class so i have included a few swear words so they can relate to the articles and also for emphasis.

PICTURES: 90% of the pictures i have planned to include are of mid action live shots. This is because the metal and hardcore genres aren't extremely experimental and arty, and they go more for a hard-hitting, heavy emphasis. Because of this, i have not included arty portraits of the bands as it would detract audience attention. They would prefer more live shots of the bands in action so i shot a live gig for my double page article.

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