Wednesday 6 April 2011

choices of photos + justifications

i chose the photo for my front cover as i needed one of a full band lineup in an actual shoot and this gave the desired dark effect i was going for. also it fit my magazine style(teenagers) and they represent the audience well.

i chose to use this photo as a front cover piece as it is the only mid action close-up i had and could be used for many purposes as it fit into my articles well. i had to remove/fill the black space but it worked well.

i used this photo for my contents page as it is a medium length 3/4 body action shot which grabs the readers attention and could be used for effect as the man represents someone well known in the audience community. i left it raw as it was only a preview of the photos to come.

this photo is a re-edited and cropped version of the photo above. i used this as a gray as it isn't meant to grab the audiences attention straight away but the size makes it noticeable.

i used this photo as crowd photos are filler photos but can also attract the audience who went to that gig, as they may want to spot themselves(research into this i did at home which i have no file for showed that peoples eyes were drawn towards photos like this to search for themselves). it was mainly justified as a filler photo.
this photo was chosen for my magazine as it shows a mid action shot of the guitarist. i kept it small as it was a filler photo but it does attract people to it as the guitarist is wearing a bright shirt.
i chose this photo to be used as it was a mid action shot of a bassist, and bassists aren't usually pictured in many magazines(not a convention just a pattern) so i thought i would break this pattern and add this picture. it draws the audience to it as it was an interesting shot itself.
i used this photo also as a filler but the fact it is mid shot is also interesting as people will look at whats happening in the mid action photos. it is slightly dark but in my final product the levels had been altered to make it clearer.
this photo was simply included because it is part of the narrative of the review(stage invasion) and people will want to see pictures of the detailed events.

this next photo was added as it captured more than 3 band members and people will look at the photo if they recognise the members, it also helped to fill space in the magazine.
this photo was included due to the fact i have an interview style area with opinions from the audience and this included a band member and one of the audience, so it fitted perfectly with the plan for my magazine,

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