Wednesday 6 April 2011

looking back at your premlininary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

this was my preliminary task's front cover. i tried to be arty by using illustrator to create a logo.
i used inconsistent fonts and a very large 1/4 face shot. this convention destroying magazine did not go too well and was of a low quality as it didn't really show any appeal or anything and was generally bad and looked extremely unprofessional or arty. The title font was completely unreadable and the all capitals with punctuation marks made this look more like a cheap fanzine than an actual college magazine.
in my new task i learnt about inset spacing so everything looked neater and did not overlap, i learnt about using consistent fonts for professionalism, and placing texts in the center of boxes. After my research i learnt  how to properly arrange things for route of the eye to work properly so it is easier and less straining to navigate and read. I decided to go against the convention of a 3/4 body shot again but with a full body shot this time, but as this photo shoot was more planned and used for a certain effect eventually it turned out to a higher quality than my preliminary task, as i had learned new skills in magazine design and i learnt about new  tools in Adobe InDesign such as Inset Spacing.

In my preliminary task, the college magazine contents page, i didn't know about proper arrangement, route of the eye, colour schemes, consistency and photo choices. Also my logo was inconsistent. Overall, i did not know what i was doing, i tried to free form a magazine without actually having a base idea, it was all rushed and i hadn't researched into professional magazines of that style so i pretty much slapped everything together and it was a piss poor performance. The unequal sizing of the pictures, the route of the eye was not proper so you didn't know which order to read the contents in. Also, my colour scheme wasn't correct and looked horrific.
in my music magazine task, i kept with consistent fonts(every single font used is Helvetica Bold) this gives a more professional outlook. i also learnt to keep a colour scheme going on on the page (black and white boxes, not all different covers).  my photo choices were better as they were actually taken in planning for this magazine and are of musical pursuits which are related to my magazine. my logo is consistent with my front page one which means it looks professional compared to my preliminary task. This time, I learnt well and decided to base my magazine on the NME contents page so i could relate to a professional magazine and have a base idea to work against which made it look much higher quality.
example of the basis to my music magazines contents page. the idea of the Main Articles in the center, the 'band index' in the left third, and the lesser important news, reviews and live shows on the right third, also the subscribing note at the bottom of the center articles. using a professional magazine as my template allowed me to make a better looking magazine.

overall, looking back at my preliminary task i have learnt about how to  make a magazine more professional using inset spacing, layouts, consistent fonts and CMYK photos.

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