Wednesday 6 April 2011

in what ways does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

my music magazine challenges a convention. firstly, the front cover picture is not a 3/4 body shot. i challenged this convention as i believed that a full body shot suited my magazine a lot more than the usual and i used it for a more appealing effect.
it developed a convention of having the main article headline in the centre at the top. i moved it into the middle as it helps to see the actual front page photo.
i adhered to one convention by keeping my logo at the middle in the top of the page as it provided the most effective and professional look.
in my music magazine contents i challenged a convention. i used more than one main article in the middle as i wanted to focus on more than one and it gives a professional look.
i developed a convention of including all the articles on the contents by adding all of the pages as a 'band index' for easy access to look at the bands the audience want to.
i used a convention by putting my logo at the top and have a CONTENTS label for it as this helps keep the magazine professional.
in my music magazine double page spread i challenged a convention. i put the double page title in the centre of the left page instead of at the top as i wanted to influence the route of the eye so they read the article straight away.
i developed a convention of keeping the article in the middle of the page by spreading it between the two pages. this gave it a more professional look.
i adhered to a convention of starting the article on the left of the page because it looks professional and standardized and route of the eye works better for me.

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